An iconic classic, the Eye of Argon! (To Write and Have Written)

“The Eye of Argon” is generally considered to be the worst piece of writing every produced in English — but is that fair? Let’s talk about the history behind — and then do a live reading of — the iconic disaster, “The Eye of Argon.” And then let’s talk about what we can learn from it as writers.

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The Lost Era of Electric Train Travel (To Write and Have Written)

Or, “how equine influenza made your newfangled electric sewing machine run.”

Did you know the United States had a complex and efficient, electric train system that serviced most of the population? Did you know this train system brought electric power to rural communities? Let’s talk about the interurban, and about how transportation affects your worldbuilding. With guest Alena Van Arendonk.

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Atticus software walk-thru with Dave Chesson! (To Write and Have Written)

Surprise guest Dave Chesson (Kindlepreneur, Publisher Rocket) walks through the forthcoming writing/formatting software Atticus with me. We see what’s working now in the closed beta, what’s coming soon, and how Atticus will take on Scrivener and Vellum.

Mentioned links:
Free online writers conference:
SableAradia’s Kickstarter:

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