It’s October!

Autumn leaf color in Shinnyo-do, Kyoto, Japan
Autumn leaf color in Shinnyo-do, Kyoto, Japan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s hard to pick a favorite time of year — I like pretty much everything except March — but October would be near the top of any list. The colors, the slanting light, the crisp temperatures along with favorite traditions such as bonfires, pumpkins, and spooky stories.

I write this from a train car rolling through autumn colors. Trains are a great way to experience scenery, and I’ll have a travelogue post soon to share with you. But I have something else to share as well.

I’d hoped to finish a short story in time for Halloween release, but what with real life and other projects’ deadlines (I’m turning in THREE stories this week!), I just didn’t have time to finish as it deserves. But you deserve a Halloween treat, too, so I’m going to share a sneak preview of the next Robin Archer story. (You recall Robin? From “… And Only The Eyes of Children”? In Fae.)

So check back on Friday for a peek at what Robin’s doing now, plus a glimpse into the past.

Enjoy your final week of October!

English: English country lane in Autumn.
English country lane in Autumn. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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